Harnessing the potential of Nature-based Solutions for mitigating and adapting to climate change
An article exploring the benefits, limitations and resistance towards NbS implementation
International principles and standards for the practice of ecological restoration (second edition summary)
Expert recommendations on restoration best practices
Guidelines for co-creation and co-governance of nature-based solutions
Co-creation and co-design approaches for Nature-based Solutions in different settings
Words into Action: Nature-based Solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction guide
How to enhance Disaster Risk Reduction strategies through Nature-based Solutions
Nature-based Solutions for Climate Resilience
An insight on IUCN Nature-based Solutions projects
Nature and insurance: what is their relation and how can we harness its potential?
#Naturethon – Stefano Ceolotto, CMCC, and Georges Farina, IVM, dicuss how can insurance become an instrument for adaptation
Nature and insurance recent trends and developments
NATURANCE expert, Swenja Surminski, presents the most recent trends in the finance sectors in regard to the inclusion of NbS
On assessing co-benefits of NbS
Marija Bočkarjova, University of Twente, presents Nature-based Solutions and their co-benefits during the NATURANCE General Assembly
The role of the private sector in supporting and implementing NbS in the risk financing space
Ariane Kaploun, AXA climate, explores the role of Nature-based Solutions in the financing sector for risk management
Insurability changing climate
NATURANCE expert, Vylon Ooms, dicusses financing of Nature-based Solutions in the urban context