Online Training Course on Nature-based Infrastructure – Session 5: Financing Analysis and Financing Solutions for NBI

On Wednesday October 23rd, the International Institute for Sustainable Development presented Session 5 of the Online Training Course on Nature-based Infrastructure “Financing Analysis and Financing Solutions for NBI”. The course highlighted the best way to conduct a financial analysis for NBI projects – integrating environmental and social externalities – focusing also on main challenges and […]
The challenges of upgrading flood maps

Outdated flood maps don’t account for climate change, intense rainfall, or smaller water bodies, leading to significant gaps in flood risk awareness.
From global to glocal: financing NbS for climate action and urban adaptation
#Naturethon – Financing frameworks and local solutions
Nature and insurance: what is their relation and how can we harness its potential?
#Naturethon – Stefano Ceolotto, CMCC, and Georges Farina, IVM, dicuss how can insurance become an instrument for adaptation
The distorted reaction of the American Home Insurance Market to climate change

An investigation by the New York Times reveals that the cost of home insurance in the US doesn’t line up with climate risks.
PIISA – Online Workshop 1: Challenges, barriers, and opportunities to reduce insurance protection
The PIISA project presents opportunities and obstacles to develop climate resilience insurance
PIISA – Online Workshop 2: Actuarial risk modelling – state of the art & innovation potential
How to co-develop climate resilience insurance portfolios, modelling natural risks for insurance policies
Reducing risks at the core to address the insurance protection gap in Europe
#NaturanceTalks – Marie Scholer, EIOPA, discusses what is the insurance protection gap and the role of NbS
Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction – Call for submissions

The UNDRR extends a cordial invitation to contribute to the Global Assessment Report 2025 through a Call for case studies and a Call for innovative futures ideas. Abstracts must be submitted by Monday 22 July 2024.
WORKSHOP – Parametric insurance for ecosystems and associated livelihoods

Supported by NATURANCE, WTW will host a roundtable discussion on parametric insurance for ecosystems and associated livelihoods on June the 11th, from 15:00 to 17:30 (BTS). The overarching aim is to take stock of existing solutions, discuss key lessons learned and enabling conditions, and brainstorm on how to scale to additional geographies, livelihoods and ecosystems. […]