Investing in Nature-based Solutions – State-of-play and way forward for public and private financial measures in Europe
Financing Nature-based Solutions across ecosystems and landscapes
IPBES Announces External Review for Business and Biodiversity Assessment
The first draft of all chapters and the summary for policymakers are available for review til 17 September.
Nature and insurance: what is their relation and how can we harness its potential?
#Naturethon – Stefano Ceolotto, CMCC, and Georges Farina, IVM, dicuss how can insurance become an instrument for adaptation
Nature and insurance recent trends and developments
NATURANCE expert, Swenja Surminski, presents the most recent trends in the finance sectors in regard to the inclusion of NbS
On assessing co-benefits of NbS
Marija Bočkarjova, University of Twente, presents Nature-based Solutions and their co-benefits during the NATURANCE General Assembly
The role of the private sector in supporting and implementing NbS in the risk financing space
Ariane Kaploun, AXA climate, explores the role of Nature-based Solutions in the financing sector for risk management
Insurability changing climate
NATURANCE expert, Vylon Ooms, dicusses financing of Nature-based Solutions in the urban context
Financing strategies and business models for urban NbS
NATURANCE expert, Helen Toxopeus, discusses financing of Nature-based Solutions in the urban context
IIASA Voices #11: Nature-based Solutions
How can NbS be enabled or hindered through governance system, with speakers Juliette Martin, IIASA, and JoAnne Linnerooth-Bayer, IIASA
Robust modelling and economics of natural flood management to support green finance
#NaturanceTalks – How can robust environmental modelling be used to inform Nature-based Solutions for flood management ?