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The event discussed strategies for enhancing community preparedness and resilience in advance of disasters.
The proposals submitted by citizen groups has been evaluated in terms of feasibility, innovation, and creativity. The committee found that four proposals in particular stood out amongst the rest.
The paper examines how shifts in markets and institutions, driven by increasing climate risks, will impact future socioeconomic well-being.
The event, organized in the framework of COP16, focused on Naturance and nature-based solutions in the urban context.
WTW hosted an in-person roundtable event in June 2024 to discuss parametric insurance for marine and coastal ecosystems and livelihoods.
Sabato 7 dicembre NATURANCE ha partecipato all'evento conclusivo del progetto "Changemakers for Climate Justice - Giovani in azione per la giustizia climatica".
On December 11th, project coordinator Jaroslav Mysiak will participate in a UNDRR webinar that explores the evolution of tsunami preparedness over the past two decades.
Lessons learned and knowledge gaps in climate risk insurance modeling literature.
The upcoming PIISA webinar will highlight how insurance innovation and risk data serves adaptation and increases resilience of urban areas.