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Have a sneak peak at the webstival content by watching our expert keynotes on topics including ecosystem-based approaches, financial strategies such as green finance, project origination, insurance protection, and the EU policy landscape concerning Nature-based Solutions investment.
The economic and environmental challenges posed by declining ecosystems.
The Adaptation Investment Landscape analyzes adaptation finance progress across 20 territories in eight European countries.
Protecting future generations relies on the ability lift equity in climate action and the financial gain for all urban communitities. Fátima Sani explains how the design of technology for urban planners can drive Nbs and increase the validity of regeneration for marginalised communities.
This special report describes the paradigm-shifting developments in natural catastrophe modelling.
The ability to use different ecosystem services to create an investable value proposition is the key to unlocking the capital within the global financial system and closing our financial gap towards a more resilient future, Paul Hudson explains in this blog.
By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, embedding nature-based thinking within academic institutions, and addressing the broader needs of society, the ᴇNᴀBʟS project aims to redefine the role of education in tackling ecological challenges with a distinctly anthropocentric perspective.
The booklet brings together and busts 24 myths around nature management, governance, and valuation.
Record a one-minute video for a chance to meet European Commissioner Maria Luís Albuquerque and have your say on the future of finance in Europe.