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IPBES Announces External Review for Business and Biodiversity Assessment

Underwater view of the coral reef sea world landscape. Top view into a deep.
The first draft of all chapters and the summary for policymakers are available for review til 17 September.

In 2023, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Plenary initiated an assessment of the relationship between businesses and biodiversity. Detailed in a 2024 IPBES document, this business and biodiversity assessment aims to summarize knowledge on how businesses impact and depend on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people. It addresses these interactions throughout value chains and considers the effects on Indigenous Peoples and local communities.

The draft version of the assessment report is now available for external review, which is open from July 24 to September 17, 2024. The first draft of all chapters and the summary for policymakers are available for review. An additional Government review is planned for April/May 2025. The external review invites participation from Governments and qualified experts, including scientists, decision-makers, practitioners, and other knowledge holders, to ensure the highest scientific quality and policy relevance of the assessment.

To review the first draft, register as a user of the IPBES website if you have not already done so. As next, register to review the draft documents. 

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