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Addressing the protection gap in climate adaptation and resilience

Insights from EU-funded projects PIISA, SOTERIA and NATURANCE brought value to the deep dive workshop "Bridging the financial protection gap" of the third Climateurope2 Webstival.

How climate services can be leveraged to encourage the development, uptake, and design of innovative insurance schemes that effectively address the needs of vulnerable sectors? On September 19, Jaroslav Mysiak – project coordinator of NATURANCE – moderated the parallel session “Bridging the financial protection gap” (16:00-16:45 CEST) of the third Climateurope2 Webstival.

Climate change continues to expose gaps in our current risk management strategies, leaving communities and businesses inadequately protected. Climate services can bridge this gap, from high-quality data and forecasting tools to tailored advisory services that enable better decision-making and proactive planning.

Oleksandr Sushchenko (Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ), Sebastian Glink (CLIMADA Technologies), Sara Dal Gesso (AMIGO Srl) and Mia Ebeltoft (Climate Risk Advisory) highlighted the best practices and discussed the essential quality criteria for successful climate insurance solutions.

The discussions was grounded in real-world examples illustrating how tailored climate services can transform risk management and build resilience, even in the most vulnerable sectors. Insights from EU-funded projects such as PIISA, SOTERIA and NATURANCE brought value to the dialogue, focusing on the design of innovative insurance schemes and services that aim to close the protection gap truly impactful.

Participants actively engaged this dynamic and productive session, sharing their experiences, and challenging existing approaches.

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