The page includes all the features and videos collected during the webstival’s call for contribution. The list is continuously updated! Otherwise, watch the the previous Naturance Talks (2024).
- Rethinking Education and Finance for Nature-Based Solutions: the ᴇNᴀBʟS Vision (by the ENABLES consortium)
- Innovative Financing for Nature-Based Solutions: Unlocking Private Sector Investment (by Paul Hudson, University of York)
- A tale for city planners and urban developers to optimise spaces and prevent marginalisation (by Fátima Sani – Tech Backstage)
- Investing in climate adaptation: understanding the Adaptation Investment Landscape (by Julien Baudry, Euroquality)
- Ecological Restoration Financing, the Derisking Landscape (by Harmender Kalirai and Henri Douche, SCOR P&C)
- Financing the Future: Innovative Approaches to Sustainable Development (by Camilla Bianchedi and Margherita Ceserani, HIKMA Student Association)