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Technical guide on sea level rise

The report covers the science of sea level rise highlighting its drivers and global risk assessment methods.

The technical guide on sea level rise, developed by the Expert Group on Slow Onset Events of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage (WIM ExCom), of the UNFCC is thought to help policymakers and stakeholders understand and manage the impacts of sea level rise on communities and the environment.

The report covers the science of sea level rise, its drivers, and global risk assessment methods, outlining strategies for addressing loss and damage – including protective, accommodative, and retreat measures like coastal armoring and relocation. Case studies from Tuvalu, Senegal, and Puerto Rico highlight a mix of scientific knowledge, Indigenous practices, and innovative solutions. It also emphasizes resource mobilization and the importance of monitoring and evaluation for successful implementation.

Download the guide here

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cimate resilience climate change coastal resilience report
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