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Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction – Call for submissions

The UNDRR extends a cordial invitation to contribute to the Global Assessment Report 2025 through a Call for case studies and a Call for innovative futures ideas. Abstracts must be submitted by Monday 22 July 2024.

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) extends a cordial invitation to contribute to the Global Assessment Report (GAR) 2025 through a Call for Case Studies. This year, GAR focuses on the paramount theme “Financing and Investing for Our Future”, emphasizing the pivotal role those strategic financial decisions play in reducing risk and building resilience for sustainable development.

Case studies can cover one of the following areas:
  • Country case study: Successful investment in anticipatory action and preparedness that created resilience.
  • Country case study: Successful investment in sustainable development that created resilience.
  • Country case study: Approach that led to a significant resilient investment decision at the national level.
  • Country or regional case study: Successful and innovative investments in risk reduction and resilience building: Highlighting their impact, scalability and their sustainability.
  • Country case study: How to overcome barriers and limitations to measuring resilient investment.
  • Country case study: Linking risk information to action for investment in risk management.
  • Country or regional case study: Successful resilience financing mechanisms and their advantages and disadvantages for risk management and resilience building.

Moreover, the UNDRR calls for innovators and changemakers to contribute to the Global Assessment Report (GAR) 2025 through an open call for Ideas for Innovative Futures of Resilient Investment“. This call is meant to gather the most innovative ideas to overcome current challenges and pitfalls in resilience financing and investment creating new pathways that think out of the box. UNDRR encourages especially young researchers to participate, as they look for ideas and concepts and strategies even if not yet fully implemented.

Innovative futures ideas need to cover one of the following areas:
  • How fiscal and financial public sector planning and systems can more effectively integrate risk and resilience?
  • How to create/incentivize positive contributions of the private sector in financing risk and resilience can impact other development sectors?
  • What roles can regulators and metrics play in underpinning a more resilient investment future?
  • How can we widen the lens to capture the true cost of human, social and natural capital and shift the temporal frame from a short to long term perspective?
  • How can we create a system for global action to curtail catastrophic global disasters?
  • Ideas for reforming the financial system and policies for DRR towards resilience.
  • How can we embed risk reduction into financial tools and methods?

Abstracts for case studies and innovative ideas must be submitted, using dedicated forms, by Monday 22 July 2024. Learn more on UNDRR website.

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