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29 - 30 Apr 2024


All Day

PIISA – Online Workshops

On 29th and 30th of April, the PIISA project will hold two online workshops supported by the Risk Kan Network. These events will focus on knowledge exchange and cooperation across the communities and networks dedicated to climate adaptation insurance in Europe. The registration is free.

Session 1 Challenges, barriers, and opportunities to reduce insurance protection gap and accelerate adaptation and resilience building (1 hour)

🗓️ 29th of April, 4pm, with:

  • Paul Hudson, PhD, Lecturer in Environmental Economics at the University of York
  • Stefano Ceolotto, PhD, postdoc at the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change.
  • Ariane Kaploun, Head of Nature based Solutions at AXA Climate
  • Hilppa Gregow , PhD, Research Professor



Session 2 1 hour: Actuarial risk modelling – state-of-the-art & innovation potential (1 hour)

🗓️ 30th of April, 4pm, with:

  • Max Tesselaar, PhD, Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Environmental Studies at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Peter John Robinson, PhD, Assistant professor at postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Environmental Studies at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Ariane Kaploun, Head of Nature based Solutions at AXA Climate
  • Gregow Hilppa, PhD, Research Professor & Head of Unit at Finnish Meteorological Institute



Piloting Innovation Insurance Solutions for Adaptation (PIISA) is a 3-year Research and Innovation Action funded under the Horizon Europe. The partnership will co-develop climate resilient insurance portfolios, as well as develop solutions for sharing climate-related risk and losses data.